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Изофлавоны (соя)

Изофлавоны (соя)

На складе: есть
Код товара: PD-3287
1 730 руб.
1 142 руб.
Профилактика и лечение: Омолаживает организм, Бессоница, Снижение риска отрицательных проявлений климактерического и переменопаузальных периодов, Акция

Isoflavones (Soy)Soy Isoflavones 60 capsules

Dietary supplement Antioxidant, normalizes metabolic processes in the body at the cellular level.


Lowers blood pressure, strengthens the cardiovascular and nervous system,

Eliminates hormonal imbalance and, consequently, it

Symptoms during menopause.

Cancers of the genitourinary area.

Prevention of breast cancer,


hyperplasia of the mucous membrane of the uterus and cervical canal, uterine fibroids, endometriosis and other diseases.

The effect that is observed

Over the course of seven days, sleep improves, intestinal motility improves, secretion of the genital organs increases, and tone increases.

After 15 days, mood improves, chest pain decreases, skin becomes smooth, thin, soft and elastic, hot flashes, chills and other symptoms of menopause become less frequent and disappear.

After 30 days, weight loss is noticeable, age spots become lighter, and pain in the lower back and legs is significantly reduced.


Soy isoflavones do not contain the cholesterol found in animal proteins. Breaking down in the intestines, under the influence of bacterial flora they turn into analogues of natural female hormones. As a result, hormonal levels are brought back to normal, which helps eliminate the discomfort of women during the premenopausal period. This remedy for the prevention of breast cancer, mastopathy, hyperplasia of the mucous membrane of the uterus and cervical canal, uterine fibroids, endometriosis prevents the development of senile colpitis, genital itching and other age-related diseases among women. Eliminates headaches, rapid heartbeat, increased sweating.

Eliminates the risk of hypertension, normalizing blood pressure, strengthens the cardiovascular and nervous system.

 Along with this, as a strong antioxidant, it prevents a number of genitourinary diseases leading to cancer. Taking part in the synthesis of collagen, it prevents skin aging, improves hair condition, makes mucous membranes elastic, regulates the activity of the sebaceous glands, stops the occurrence of acne, seborrhea disappears, and reduces the process of baldness. Recommendations for use 

1 capsule 3 times a day with meals. For greater effect, use with “Progesterone Cream”, “DHEA Cream”, “7-Keto”.

One capsule contains: Soy isoflavones (extract) 150 mg (containing min. 40% isoflavones 60 mg, including Genistein, Diadzein and Glycetein)


Individual intolerance to components, pregnancy, lactation

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